Create a pie chart in excel that show percentage
Create a pie chart in excel that show percentage

create a pie chart in excel that show percentage

Of course, all this being said, one would have to wonder if a pie chart is the appropriate chart for representing this type of data in the first place. This will cause those values to be ignored in the chart created by Excel. If your data is conducive to filtering, you could also set up a filter so that negative values are filtered out. In this case, the value to be charted is set to zero if the sum is less than zero, or it reflects the actual total if the sum is zero or above. Instead of using a standard SUM formula for the values to be charted, you could use a formula such as the following: Thus, pie charts are often created based on the result of some sort of formula, such as the sum of values in a column the sums of each column are the basis for the pie chart. Each value within the series represents a portion of the whole. Normally, people create pie charts based on a simple set of values. You may, however, prefer to have the negative values charted as if they were zero-to not have a slice of the pie.

create a pie chart in excel that show percentage

If you create a pie chart, Excel charts negative values as if they were positive (in other words, it uses the absolute value). Excel allows you to easily create charts based on the data in a worksheet.

Create a pie chart in excel that show percentage